Digital Film Production Fall 2005

This is the Information Technology HS Film class blog. Students are required to post comments of thier own and respond to the comments of other classmates.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Blog5: Evaluating our Peers

Check out this link and view several student films:
What are your opinions? Come up with five criteria that you use to judge whether a film project is successful.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Blog assignment #4; Universal Themes

After viewing the first two scenes of "A Streetcar Named Desire" describe the three main characters, what are their personalities? What conflicts are being set up in these relationships?
What universal human and dramatic themes are represented in the story so far, give examples.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I actually think the Tupac Ressurection video was cool other than Gladiator and Star Wars, because of it's facts. It was reality for someone famous so I suppose it has a purpose and a moral in the story.

Which video did you guys enjoy?


Favorite Genres

Well I think comedy, action, and mystery are interesting genres for a movie. I mean action, that's what most guys love right? Like Jackie Chan and Jet Li all that stuff. Also Star Wars is action too. (Fighting with the light sabers.) Mystery can also relate to action as well, for example Rush Hour, that's a action/mystery movie. Comedy movie can also relate to all those genres listed previously.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Blog3: Film Genres

1. What is your favorite film Genre?
2. Describe what it is and why you like it, give example.
3.What type of film genre will you be writting?
4. Create a page called 'pitch.html' and link it to and from your class homepage.
5. Write your pitch on this page. What is a pitch, you ask? It is the synopsis of the story you will write, which will impress the big studio Exec. (Ms. Dryg) and others, and make them want to produce your film as opposed to the other thousands of scripts that come across her desk every day.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Week 2 Reflections

In the first 10 minutes of a movie, how will you make the viewer want to see more?
Who directed Gladiator? How did he keep your interest?
Who directed Star Wars? Why was it so successful at the time?
How was technology used in Star Wars back in the day, (the first movie released, when?)?
Respond or I'll tell your mom.

Ok, Kids, you are supposed to click on COMMENT to this posting. Then you are supposed to return tomorrow and comment on other student comments, got it? Not like it was done last week, where you all created a posting, which made me have to scroll down a lot.

Your leader, unless anyone asks, then mum's the word, or mom, either way-Ms. Dryg

P.S. If you want credit you must put your real name in your profile or I won't know who's who.